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The solution to the climate crisis is a biological one.

Our Commitment: you will fly without a carbon footprint.

We believe that climate solutions don't have to come at an economic loss. To prove our point, we’ve taken on one of the biggest climate challenges: reducing carbon emissions in the aviation industry. Thanks to our innovative genetic process, we've harnessed the power of specially engineered microorganisms to convert greenhouse gases into sustainable aviation fuel (SAF). Unlike other SAF currently on the market, ours is scalable, economically competitive and reduces emissions by up to 95%. 



Our Science: Explained

Synbioblox is at the forefront of predictive analytics in the genome space. Our unique Ai/machine-learning tools help us to significantly decrease the time it takes to design and create custom biological solutions for a wide range of applications such as high-energy molecules, agricultural nutrients, and the remediation of toxic materials. As a our initial project, we have chosen one of the most difficult of challenges:  to create an organism that will convert greenhouse gas into Active X, our proprietary SAF molecule.


The world needs solutions. We deliver.

With global aviation expected to face stricter fuel sustainability mandates in the future, SynbioBlox is ahead of the curve. Our Active X molecule has the potential to dramatically reduce emissions, creating a meaningful impact on the climate crisis. 

Key Points:

  • Addresses 3.5% of global climate change impact

  • Economically competitive and scalable

  • Integrates with existing refinery infrastructure and market demand

Beyond Jet Fuel:
The Endless Potential

While our initial focus is on aviation fuel, SynbioBlox’s biotechnology is adaptable for a wide range of applications. From reducing emissions in industrial processes to creating sustainable raw materials for various sectors, our technology holds the promise of a future where sustainability and innovation go hand in hand.


Join us in shaping the future.

SynbioBlox is more than a biotech startup – we are a movement towards a more sustainable world. Whether you’re an investor, a partner, or an advocate, there’s a place for you in our journey to revolutionize energy production and combat the climate crisis.

A Shared Agenda

SynBioBlox succeeds with strong partners, collaborators, and other supporters. We deeply appreciate the ongoing assistance of the following organizations.


Supported in part by advisory services and research and development funding from the National Research Council of Canada Industrial Research Assistance Program (NRC IRAP).

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